Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Categories Categories Regions and cities 1 Transport 1 Keywords Keywords bike 1 cycleway 1 mobility 1 Organizations Organizations Kanton Basel-Stadt 1 Political levels Political levels Canton 1 Terms of use Terms of use 1 Formats Formats SERVICE 1 WFS 1 WMS 1 1 dataset found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Teilrichtplan Velo Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Transport Das kantonale Veloroutennetz ist in zwei unterschiedliche Velonetze aufgeteilt – ein Basisroutennetz und ein Pendlerroutennetz. Damit trägt es den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen... Last updated: May 5, 2020 SERVICE WMS WFS bike cycleway mobility