Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Categories Categories Regions and cities 29 Environment 26 Health 3 Keywords Keywords fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastr... 29 human-health-and-safety 29 conservation-and-archiving-plannin... 24 e-geoch 24 atmospheric-conditions 19 erosion 12 erosion-control 12 soil-erosion 12 air-pollutant 7 official-geodata 6 air 5 traffic-noise 4 noise-pollutant 4 noise-level 4 noise-immission 4 noise-effect 4 noise-abatement 4 environmental-monitoring-facilitie... 2 environment 2 waste-recycling 1 waste-disposal 1 tick-borne-encephalitis 1 tick-bite 1 tick 1 tbe 1 special-waste 1 source-of-pollution 1 production-and-industrial-faciliti... 1 prevention-measure 1 pollutant 1 emission-source 1 Show More Keywords Show Fewer Keywords Organizations Organizations Federal Office for the Environment FOEN 26 Federal Office of Public Health FOPH 3 Political levels Political levels Confederation 29 Terms of use Terms of use 15 14 Formats Formats SERVICE 29 WMS 29 WMTS 29 N/A 14 HTML 12 API 6 ZIP 6 29 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Site of tick bite reported for tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), Switzerland, 2012-2022 Federal Office of Public Health FOPH Health, Regions and cities Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is an infectious viral disease transmitted by ticks, which is subject to a statutory duty to report. This map shows in orange the communes in which at... Last updated: July 3, 2023 SERVICE WMTS WMS HTML API human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Tick bite model Federal Office of Public Health FOPH Health, Regions and cities The Federal Office of Public Health presents the updated “Tick Hazard Model” of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. It shows the static geographical distribution of... Last updated: April 1, 2021 SERVICE WMS WMTS HTML human-health-and-safety tbe tick-bite tick-borne-encephalitis tick prevention-measure fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure TBE: recommendation of vaccination Federal Office of Public Health FOPH Health, Regions and cities Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is an infectious disease that is caused by the TBE virus and can give rise to meningitis. The disease is transmitted via bites from infected ticks.... Last updated: December 31, 2012 SERVICE WMTS WMS HTML API human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Nighttime railway noise exposure Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The map shows the nighttime railway noise to which the population is exposed. The noise calculation is based on the real emissions of the year 2015. This emissions were calculated... Last updated: December 31, 2015 SERVICE WMS WMTS ZIP HTML e-geoch official-geodata conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation noise-effect noise-level noise-immission noise-pollutant traffic-noise noise-abatement human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Daytime road traffic noise exposure Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The map shows the daytime road traffic noise to which the population is exposed. The data is based on area-wide model calculations (sonBASE). Switzerland's entire road network,... Last updated: December 31, 2015 SERVICE WMS WMTS ZIP HTML conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation official-geodata e-geoch noise-pollutant noise-effect traffic-noise noise-abatement noise-immission noise-level human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), December Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of green,... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS soil-erosion erosion-control erosion atmospheric-conditions human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation e-geoch Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), October Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of green,... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS erosion erosion-control soil-erosion human-health-and-safety atmospheric-conditions fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation e-geoch Nighttime road traffic noise exposure Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The map shows the nighttime road traffic noise to which the population is exposed. The data is based on area-wide model calculations (sonBASE). Switzerland's entire road network,... Last updated: December 31, 2015 SERVICE WMS WMTS ZIP HTML official-geodata conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation e-geoch noise-abatement noise-effect noise-level noise-immission traffic-noise noise-pollutant human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), November Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of green,... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS soil-erosion erosion erosion-control human-health-and-safety atmospheric-conditions fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure e-geoch conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), September Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of green,... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS soil-erosion erosion-control erosion human-health-and-safety atmospheric-conditions fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure e-geoch conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), July Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of green,... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS erosion erosion-control soil-erosion human-health-and-safety atmospheric-conditions fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation e-geoch Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), May Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of green,... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS erosion soil-erosion erosion-control atmospheric-conditions human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation e-geoch Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), March Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of green,... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS soil-erosion erosion-control erosion atmospheric-conditions human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure e-geoch conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), January Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of green,... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS soil-erosion erosion erosion-control atmospheric-conditions human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation e-geoch Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), August Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of green,... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS soil-erosion erosion erosion-control atmospheric-conditions human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure e-geoch conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation CMonthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), June Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of green,... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS erosion soil-erosion erosion-control human-health-and-safety atmospheric-conditions fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation e-geoch Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), April Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tonnes per hectare and month. Shades of... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS erosion soil-erosion erosion-control atmospheric-conditions human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation e-geoch Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average soil loss in tons/(ha*month), February Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of green,... Last updated: June 27, 2019 SERVICE WMS WMTS erosion-control erosion soil-erosion human-health-and-safety atmospheric-conditions fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure e-geoch conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation Water temperature monitoring stations Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The data set represents the locations of the stations in the water temperature monitoring network of the Hydrology Department of the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). It... Last updated: October 1, 2017 SERVICE WMS WMTS ZIP API environment environmental-monitoring-facilities human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Daytime railway noise exposure Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The map shows the daytime railway noise to which the population is exposed. The noise calculation is based on the real emissions of the year 2015. This emissions were calculated... Last updated: December 31, 2015 SERVICE WMS WMTS ZIP e-geoch official-geodata conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation traffic-noise noise-level noise-immission noise-abatement noise-pollutant noise-effect human-health-and-safety fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure 1 2 » Next