Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Categories Categories Environment 12 Regions and cities 12 Keywords Keywords aerial-photograph 12 orthoimagery 12 aerial-photography 11 orthophoto 6 Organizations Organizations Kanton Basel-Stadt 12 Political levels Political levels Canton 12 Terms of use Terms of use 12 Formats Formats SERVICE 12 WMS 12 WMTS 1 12 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Orthofoto 2010 April Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom April 2010 in TrueColor. Last updated: April 1, 2010 SERVICE WMS WMTS aerial-photography aerial-photograph orthophoto orthoimagery Orthofoto 2005 April Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom April 2005 in TrueColor. Last updated: April 4, 2005 SERVICE WMS aerial-photography aerial-photograph orthophoto orthoimagery Orthofoto 2008 April Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom April 2008 in TrueColor. Last updated: March 30, 2008 SERVICE WMS aerial-photography aerial-photograph orthophoto orthoimagery Orthofoto 1979 August (10cm) Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom August 1979 in TrueColor. Last updated: August 7, 1979 SERVICE WMS aerial-photography aerial-photograph orthophoto orthoimagery Orthofoto 1990 März (10cm) Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom März 1990 in TrueColor. Last updated: March 24, 1990 SERVICE WMS aerial-photography aerial-photograph orthophoto orthoimagery Orthofoto 1985 Juli (10cm) Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom Juli 1985 in TrueColor. Last updated: July 23, 1985 SERVICE WMS aerial-photography aerial-photograph orthophoto orthoimagery Orthofoto 1999 März Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom März 1999 in TrueColor. Last updated: March 17, 1999 SERVICE WMS orthoimagery aerial-photograph aerial-photography Orthofotos Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder von verschiedenen Jahren und Jahreszeiten in TrueColor. Last updated: January 1, 1999 SERVICE WMS orthoimagery aerial-photograph Orthofoto 1995 März Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom März 1995 in TrueColor. Last updated: March 1, 1995 SERVICE WMS orthoimagery aerial-photograph aerial-photography Orthofoto 2001 Juli Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom Juli 2001 in TrueColor. Last updated: July 31, 2001 SERVICE WMS aerial-photograph aerial-photography orthoimagery Orthofoto 2002 März Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom März 2002 in TrueColor. Last updated: March 28, 2002 SERVICE WMS aerial-photograph aerial-photography orthoimagery Orthofoto 1926 Kanton Basel-Stadt Regions and cities, Environment Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder von 1926 in TrueColor. Vom 1. Juli – 15. September 1926 fand in den soeben neu erstellten Messehallen eine internationale... Last updated: January 1, 1926 SERVICE WMS orthoimagery aerial-photograph aerial-photography