Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Categories Categories Energy 4 Environment 4 Education, culture and sport 1 Regions and cities 1 Keywords Keywords solar-energy 4 fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastr... 3 energy-resources 2 renewable-energy-source 2 air-navigation 1 aircraft 1 energy-source 1 reflection 1 solar-collector 1 surface-reflectance 1 Organizations Organizations Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE 2 Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt - BAZL 1 Kanton Basel-Stadt 1 Political levels Political levels Confederation 3 Canton 1 Terms of use Terms of use 4 Formats Formats SERVICE 4 WMS 4 API 3 GDB 2 GPKG 2 HTML 1 WMTS 1 4 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Reflective surfaces near aerodromes Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt - BAZL Education, culture and sport, Energy, Regions and cities, Environment Depending on the angle of the sun's rays, glare caused by reflective surfaces (e.g. solar panels or reflective facades) can become a disturbing source of light for pilots. In the... Last updated: February 3, 2025 SERVICE WMS WMTS API HTML air-navigation surface-reflectance fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure reflection aircraft solar-energy Solarkataster Kanton Basel-Stadt Energy, Environment Der Solarkataster zeigt auf dem Stadtplan im Internet für jede Dachfläche im Kanton an, wie gut sie für die Solarenergienutzung, sowohl für Photovoltaik wie auch für Solarthermie,... Last updated: March 6, 2012 SERVICE WMS solar-energy solar-collector Suitability of roofs for the use of solar energy Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment Solar energy that reaches the earth’s surface can be utilised with the aid of the two established solar technologies, photovoltaics (electricity) and solar thermal energy, for the... Last updated: July 27, 2022 GPKG GDB SERVICE WMS API energy-resources solar-energy renewable-energy-source fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Suitability of façades for the use of solar energy Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The sun's energy that reaches the Earth's surface can be used, via two proven forms of solar technology – photovoltaics (electric current) and solar thermal energy (heat) – to... Last updated: July 27, 2022 SERVICE GPKG GDB WMS API renewable-energy-source solar-energy energy-source energy-resources fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure