Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Categories Categories Regions and cities 206 Environment 156 Transport 30 Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food 17 Population and society 17 Energy 8 Government and public sector 7 Education, culture and sport 5 Economy and finance 2 Health 2 Keywords Keywords geodata 79 flachennutzungsplan 64 zonenplan 60 oreb 58 bauzone 54 grundplan 54 eigentumsbeschrankungoreb 53 nutzungsplan 35 nutzungsplanung 25 landwirtschaftliche-bewirtschaftun... 23 kanton 21 landwirtschaftliche-nutzflache-ln 18 grundwasser 17 water-geographic 16 waldabstand 13 transport 12 cadastral-surveying 12 wood 11 waldgrenze 11 flachmoor 11 strasse 10 raumentwicklung 10 landwirtschaftliche-anlagen-und-aq... 10 biotop 10 amtliche-vermessung-av 10 forestry 9 schutz 8 physical-planning 8 noise-pollutant 8 noise 8 nature-conservation 8 landwirtschaft 8 landscape-conservation 8 land-use-plan 8 biodiversitat 8 agriculture 8 agricultural-management 8 agricultural-exploitation 8 traffic-noise 7 road 7 grundwasservorkommen 7 grundwasserschutz 7 gewasser 7 gebaudeadresse 7 grenze 6 gewasserschutz 6 flora-biology 6 energy 6 allocation-plan 6 administrative-division 6 Show More Keywords Show Fewer Keywords Organizations Organizations Amt für Geoinformation Kanton Schwyz 194 Kanton Basel-Stadt 94 Kanton Thurgau 79 Fachstelle Geoinformation Kanton Glarus 54 Political levels Political levels Canton 367 Confederation 54 Terms of use Terms of use 421 Formats Formats WFS 421 WMS 412 SERVICE 93 ZIP 53 PDF 6 421 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Amtliche Vermessung (AV) Kanton Thurgau Population and society, Environment Vektordaten der Amtlichen Vermessung (AV) des Kantons Thurgau Last updated: January 1, 2006 WMS WFS geodata high-voltage-line pipeline energy building building buildings administrative-boundary altitude elevation scene-identification soil-use land-use land-and-property-register land-register « Previous 1 ... 20 21 22