Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Keywords Keywords energy 16 fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastr... 10 conservation-and-archiving-plannin... 4 geodata 4 energy-resources 3 biomass 2 biomass-energy 2 current 2 energy-resource 2 oereb 2 biomass 2 urban-environment-urban-stress 1 trade-services 1 surface-water-management 1 structure-plan 1 standing-water 1 space-provided-for-waters 1 soil-use 1 social-aspects-population 1 sectoral-plan 1 scene-identification 1 resources 1 renewable-energy-source 1 province 1 project-planning-zone 1 pipeline 1 nature 1 natural-dynamics 1 meteorology 1 land-use 1 land-register 1 land-and-property-register 1 incineration-of-waste 1 high-voltage-line 1 gis-geographic-information-system 1 geothermal-energy 1 geography 1 general 1 energy-recovery 1 elevation 1 electricity-company 1 electric-power-supply 1 consultation 1 consultancy 1 climate 1 buildings 1 building-line 1 building 1 altitude 1 administrative-boundary 1 Show More Keywords Show Fewer Keywords Organizations Organizations Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE 10 Kanton Thurgau 4 Kanton Basel-Stadt 2 Political levels Political levels Confederation 10 Canton 6 Terms of use Terms of use 16 Formats Formats WMS 15 SERVICE 10 API 8 GPKG 6 WFS 6 INTERLIS 4 CSV 1 GeoTIFF 1 16 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Amtliche Vermessung (AV) Kanton Thurgau Population and society, Environment Vektordaten der Amtlichen Vermessung (AV) des Kantons Thurgau Last updated: January 1, 2006 WMS WFS geodata high-voltage-line pipeline energy building building buildings administrative-boundary altitude elevation scene-identification soil-use land-use land-and-property-register land-register Public energy advice services Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment There is a wide variety of public energy advice services available in Switzerland. They offer impartial advice (neutral relative to products and companies) to the public in general... Last updated: December 30, 2022 GPKG INTERLIS SERVICE WMS API fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure energy consultation consultancy Potential use of lakes and rivers for heat extraction and heat discharge Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment Lakes and rivers provide a great yet largely untapped source of thermal energy. In Switzerland, this renewable source of energy source could be used for heating (heat extraction)... Last updated: December 31, 2018 GPKG WMS API SERVICE water-related-process space-provided-for-waters nature gis-geographic-information-system standing-water watercourse fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure water urban-environment-urban-stress climate energy social-aspects-population natural-dynamics resources general geography trade-services water-geographic surface-water-management energy Waste incineration plants (MWI) Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment Waste incineration is the burning of combustible waste components to reduce the volume of the waste while using the energy it contains.In 2017, Switzerland had 30 municipal waste... Last updated: December 31, 2021 CSV GPKG INTERLIS API SERVICE WMS conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation energy-resources energy-recovery waste incineration-of-waste waste-disposal energy fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Sustainable potential of non-woody biomass resources for bioenergy in Switzerland at the municipality level Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment Biomass is a renewable resource for energy which can be transformed into several forms of energy: heat, electricity, biogas or liquid fuels. Non-woody types of biomass were... Last updated: September 6, 2018 SERVICE WMS GPKG API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation energy-resource energy-resources energy biomass-energy biomass fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Sustainable potential of woody biomass resources for bioenergy in Switzerland at the municipality level Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment Biomass is a renewable resource for energy which can be transformed into several forms of energy: heat, electricity, biogas or liquid fuels. Woody types of biomass were... Last updated: September 6, 2018 SERVICE WMS GPKG API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation energy-resource energy-resources energy biomass-energy biomass fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Potential of small hydropower plants in Switzerland Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The geodata product ‘Potential of small hydropower plants in Switzerland’ is the result of a GIS-based analysis carried out in 2012 as part of the research project 102835 ‘Survey... Last updated: June 1, 2012 GPKG WMS SERVICE API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation energy renewable-energy-source water-power fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Wind Atlas of Switzerland: Frequency of meteorological icing at 100 metres above the ground Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment In Switzerland, the mountain regions (Jura, Alps and Alpine foothills) are the most suitable regions for exploiting wind energy potential. But here, the air temperature during the... Last updated: May 31, 2016 GeoTIFF SERVICE WMS API meteorology energy wind-power wind-power-station fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Electricity Transmission Lines sectoral plan - consultations Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment Current or past consultations of the cantons and communes as well as information and participation of the population in accordance with Art. 19 RPV of the Electricity Transmission... Last updated: March 6, 2018 SERVICE API energy sectoral-plan current fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure power-grid Stromversorgung Netzgebiete Kanton Thurgau Energy, Environment Stromversorgung Netzgebiete: Datensatz beinhaltet die Gebiete der Elektrizitätsversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) mit ihren Namen und den Ansprechpersonen des lokalen Verteilnetzes... Last updated: June 1, 2010 WMS WFS geodata province energy electricity-company electric-power-supply Erdwärme Kanton Thurgau Energy, Environment Es werden die Verbotszonen, das Gebiet mit bekanntem, artesisch gespanntem Grundwasser im Lockergestein sowie eine Übersicht über bisher ausgeführte Erdwärmesondenbohrungen... Last updated: February 18, 2022 WMS WFS geodata energy geothermal-energy Biomasse Kanton Thurgau Energy, Environment Biomassepotenzial verschiedener Abfälle im Kanton Thurgau mit zusätzlichen Biomasseanlagen und Sammelmethode. Last updated: August 10, 2017 WMS WFS geodata energy waste-income Teilrichtplan Energie Kanton Basel-Stadt Energy, Environment Der Teilrichtplan Energie beinhaltet die räumliche Festlegung der geeigneten Energieträger für die Wärme- und Kälteversorgung im Kanton. Für das gesamte Siedlungsgebiet wird... Last updated: April 7, 2020 SERVICE WMS WFS energy structure-plan Stromversorgungsgebiete Kanton Basel-Stadt Energy, Environment Netzgebietszuteilung Strom des Kantons Basel-Stadt. Die Netzebenen 3, 5 und 7 dienen der Verteilung des Stroms. An diese Ebenen sind die Endkunden angeschlossen. Private Haushalte... Last updated: April 6, 2021 SERVICE WMS WFS power-grid current energy Baulinien Starkstromanlagen V2.0 OeREB Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Regions and cities, Environment A building line secures the space required for the operation, renovation or expansion of a heavy current installation. No construction that interferes with the operation,... Last updated: October 14, 2021 INTERLIS WMS oereb building-line fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure energy Projektierungszonen Starkstromanlagen V2.0 OeREB Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Regions and cities, Environment A reserved zone serves to keep an area free for future lines. In a reserved zone, no projects that could interfere with the construction of a new line may be undertaken for a... Last updated: October 14, 2021 INTERLIS WMS project-planning-zone oereb fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure energy