Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Keywords Keywords geodata 58 fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastr... 43 historic-map 26 water-geographic 23 conservation-and-archiving-plannin... 21 aerial-photograph 19 aerial-photography 15 cadastral-surveying 15 energy 15 energy-resources 15 zoning-plan 12 orthoimagery 12 wood 11 orthophoto 11 official-geodata 11 renewable-energy-source 9 forestry 9 city-map 9 border 9 wind-power 8 physical-planning 8 noise-pollutant 8 noise 8 nature-conservation 8 map-chart 8 landscape-conservation 8 land-use-plan 8 traffic-noise 7 relief-land 7 allocation-plan 7 traffic-network 6 topography 6 terrain-representation 6 survey-plan 6 road-traffic-noise 6 national-map 6 land-use-planning 6 geographical-names 6 flora-biology 6 cartography 6 administrative-division 6 water-conservation 5 vegetation 5 utility-and-governmental-services 5 ski-tour 5 official-geoservice 5 groundwater 5 fauna 5 altitude 5 groundwater-protection 4 Show More Keywords Show Fewer Keywords Organizations Organizations Kanton Basel-Stadt 124 Kanton Thurgau 58 Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE 39 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo 6 Political levels Political levels Canton 182 Confederation 39 Other 6 Terms of use Terms of use 227 Formats Formats WMS 227 SERVICE 144 WFS 120 GPKG 32 API 28 INTERLIS 28 WMTS 16 CSV 14 GeoTIFF 9 GDB 7 HTML 5 Show More Formats Show Fewer Formats 227 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Wind Atlas of Switzerland: Annual average of the modelled wind speed and direction at a height of 100 metres above the ground Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The Wind Atlas of Switzerland describes the wind conditions at five different heights above the ground: 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 metres. The data are based on a nation-wide... Last updated: October 23, 2019 GPKG GDB GeoTIFF INTERLIS SERVICE WMS wind-power renewable-energy-source fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Wind Atlas of Switzerland: Annual average of the modelled wind speed and direction at a height of 150 metres above the ground Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The Wind Atlas of Switzerland describes the wind conditions at five different heights above the ground: 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 metres. The data are based on a nation-wide... Last updated: October 23, 2019 GPKG GDB GeoTIFF INTERLIS SERVICE WMS wind-power renewable-energy-source fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Wind Atlas of Switzerland: Annual average of the modelled wind speed and direction at a height of 50 metres above the ground Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The Wind Atlas of Switzerland describes the wind conditions at five different heights above the ground: 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 metres. The data are based on a nation-wide... Last updated: October 23, 2019 GPKG GDB GeoTIFF INTERLIS SERVICE WMS renewable-energy-source wind-power fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Location and adjoining areas of pipeline systems according to the Ordnance on Protection against Major Accidents Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The Ordinance on Protection against Major Accidents (MAO, SR 814.012) is designed to protect the public and the environment from serious damage resulting from major accidents. It... Last updated: September 28, 2020 SERVICE WMS conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation official-geodata fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Thermal networks: demand from industry Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment In strategic planning, heat demand is used to identify large connected areas that may be appropriate for a thermal network. Areas with a heat density of at least 700 MWh/a per... Last updated: October 3, 2018 GPKG GeoTIFF INTERLIS SERVICE WMS API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Heating with renewables: Detached homes and apartment blocks with up to 6 apartments Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment A ‘renewable heating’ advice service is available to building owners who have oil, gas or electric heating and who wish to find out which renewable low-carbon heat source is most... Last updated: November 30, 2022 CSV GPKG INTERLIS SERVICE WMS API energy-source-material fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Thermal networks (local heating, district heating, district cooling) Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment Thermal networks – including district heating-, local heating- or district cooling networks – are systems that provide a number of separate buildings with thermal energy. They... Last updated: November 30, 2022 SERVICE WMS CSV GPKG INTERLIS API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Thermal networks: heat and cooling sources Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment Heat and cooling sources are local, renewable and CO2-free energy sources which may be of interest for heat production in thermal networks. Nowadays, only renewable or CO2-free... Last updated: October 3, 2018 CSV GPKG INTERLIS SERVICE WMS API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Thermal networks: demand from residential and commercial buildings Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The demand for heat and cooling is a key element in the strategic planning of thermal networks. Building a thermal network is only viable if sufficient sales turnover can be... Last updated: October 3, 2018 GPKG GeoTIFF INTERLIS SERVICE WMS API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Heating with renewables: Apartment blocks with more than 6 apartments Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment A ‘renewable heating' advice service is available to building owners who have oil, gas or electric heating and who wish to find out which renewable low-carbon heat source is most... Last updated: November 30, 2022 CSV GPKG INTERLIS SERVICE WMS API fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure energy-source-material Wind Atlas of Switzerland: Annual average of the modelled wind speed and direction at a height of 50 metres above the ground Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The Wind Atlas of Switzerland describes the wind conditions at five different heights above the ground: 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 metres. The data are based on a nation-wide... Last updated: October 23, 2019 GPKG GDB GeoTIFF INTERLIS SERVICE WMS renewable-energy-source wind-power fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Projects of the Coordination Office for Sustainable Mobility COMO Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The Coordination Office for Sustainable Mobility (COMO) is the central contact and coordination point and the first contact point at federal level in matters of sustainable... Last updated: November 30, 2022 CSV GPKG INTERLIS SERVICE WMS API mobility fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Current pilot and demonstration projects of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment With its Pilot and Demonstration programme the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) promotes the development and testing of new technologies, solutions and concepts relating to... Last updated: November 30, 2022 SERVICE WMS CSV GPKG INTERLIS API fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure energy-resources energy-supply Wind Atlas of Switzerland: Annual average of the modelled wind speed and direction at a height of 75 metres above the ground Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The Wind Atlas of Switzerland describes the wind conditions at five different heights above the ground: 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 metres. The data are based on a nation-wide... Last updated: October 23, 2019 GPKG GDB GeoTIFF INTERLIS SERVICE WMS wind-power renewable-energy-source fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Energy cities Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The Energy City label is used for certifying municipalities that develop and implement a sustainable energy policy. Municipalities that have been awarded this label promote... Last updated: November 30, 2022 SERVICE GPKG INTERLIS API WMS fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure 2000-Watt Sites Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Energy, Environment The 2000-Watt Sites label is used for certifying residential areas that are able to demonstrate a sustainable use of resources for the construction, operation and renovation of... Last updated: November 30, 2022 CSV GPKG INTERLIS WMS API SERVICE fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Stromversorgung Netzgebiete Kanton Thurgau Energy, Environment Stromversorgung Netzgebiete: Datensatz beinhaltet die Gebiete der Elektrizitätsversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) mit ihren Namen und den Ansprechpersonen des lokalen Verteilnetzes... Last updated: June 1, 2010 WMS WFS geodata province energy electricity-company electric-power-supply Grundwasseraustritte, -fassungen und -anreicherungsanlagen Kanton Thurgau Energy, Environment Der Datensatz beinhaltet die Quellen und Grundwasserfassungen. Sie sind Bestandteil der Gewässerschutzkarte und der Grundwasserkarte des Kantons Thurgau. Last updated: September 1, 2021 WMS WFS geodata waste water water waste-water-charge water-conservation Erdwärme Kanton Thurgau Energy, Environment Es werden die Verbotszonen, das Gebiet mit bekanntem, artesisch gespanntem Grundwasser im Lockergestein sowie eine Übersicht über bisher ausgeführte Erdwärmesondenbohrungen... Last updated: February 18, 2022 WMS WFS geodata energy geothermal-energy Biomasse Kanton Thurgau Energy, Environment Biomassepotenzial verschiedener Abfälle im Kanton Thurgau mit zusätzlichen Biomasseanlagen und Sammelmethode. Last updated: August 10, 2017 WMS WFS geodata energy waste-income « Previous 1 2 3 4 ... 12 » Next