Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Keywords Keywords groundwater 11 hydrogeology 11 fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastr... 7 environment 6 karst 5 geology 4 land-management-and-planning 4 lithology 4 resources 4 subsoil 4 geology 4 zonal-use-plan 2 water-protection-sector 2 exploitation-of-underground-water 2 water-collection 1 protection-zone 1 official-geodata 1 groundwater-protection-area 1 groundwater-protection 1 conservation-and-archiving-plannin... 1 aquifer 1 Show More Keywords Show Fewer Keywords Organizations Organizations Federal Office for the Environment FOEN 7 canton-du-valais-cc-geo 4 Political levels Political levels Confederation 11 Terms of use Terms of use 6 4 1 Formats Formats API 7 SERVICE 7 WMS 7 WMTS 7 ZIP 5 N/A 4 HTML 2 11 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Hydrogeological map of Switzerland 1:100000 Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Published by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, the specialist office of the Swiss Geological Survey responsible for hydrogeology.The hydrogeological map 1:100,000 shows... Last updated: December 31, 2014 SERVICE WMS WMTS HTML API hydrogeology groundwater aquifer fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation official-geodata Springs and swallow holes in karst regions Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The Karst springs and swallow holes layer shows the main points where groundwater emerges from the karst system as well as important infiltration points. Distinctions are made... Last updated: July 1, 2015 SERVICE WMS WMTS ZIP API karst groundwater environment hydrogeology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Groundwater bodies of Switzerland Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The groundwater bodies layer shows a simplified and comprehensive breakdown of hydrogeological overview units for Switzerland. The groundwater bodies here have not been developed... Last updated: April 25, 2017 SERVICE WMS WMTS HTML API groundwater hydrogeology environment fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Extent of groundwater resources in karst regions Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The Karst water resources layer shows the extent of the water-saturated zone of a karstified aquifer projected to the surface. It is determined by the karst water level and... Last updated: July 1, 2015 SERVICE WMS WMTS ZIP API groundwater environment karst hydrogeology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Catchment units in karst regions Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The Karst catchment units layer consists of the unit areas from which similar groundwater flow behaviour towards the karst spring can be expected. In particular, it allows for the... Last updated: July 1, 2015 SERVICE WMS WMTS ZIP API environment groundwater hydrogeology karst fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Catchments in karst regions Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The Karst catchments layer depicts those areas where seepage water flows into a specific spring and feeds it. Catchments can occasionally overlap, namely where sections of them... Last updated: July 1, 2015 SERVICE WMS WMTS ZIP API groundwater karst environment hydrogeology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Underground flow paths in karst regions Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The Underground flow paths layer indicates the probable direction taken by the groundwater in karst regions within the catchments towards the relevant spring. These interpretations... Last updated: July 1, 2015 SERVICE WMS WMTS ZIP API karst environment groundwater hydrogeology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Gewässerschutzbereich Au canton-du-valais-cc-geo Regions and cities, Environment Der Gewässerschutzbereich Au ist als Instrument des flächendeckenden, ressourcenorientierten Grundwasserschutzes gleichermassen auf den quantitativen wie auf den qualitativen... Last updated: January 5, 2023 subsoil water-resources-management land-management-and-planning groundwater hydrogeology resources geology water-protection-sector lithology Grundwasserschutzareale canton-du-valais-cc-geo Regions and cities, Environment Grundwasserschutzareale dienen zum vorsorglichen Schutz des Grundwassers im Hinblick auf eine zukünftige Nutzung (Versorgung oder Anreicherung). Die Grundwasserschutzareale bilden... Last updated: January 5, 2023 exploitation-of-underground-water land-management-and-planning water-resources-management hydrogeology resources groundwater geology subsoil groundwater-protection-area zonal-use-plan lithology Grundwasserschutzzonen canton-du-valais-cc-geo Regions and cities, Environment Grundwasserschutzzonen dienen dazu, Trinkwasserfassungen und das Grundwasser unmittelbar vor seiner Nutzung als Trinkwasser vor Beeinträchtigungen zu schützen. Die... Last updated: January 5, 2023 water-collection exploitation-of-underground-water hydrogeology resources subsoil groundwater geology water-resources-management land-management-and-planning zonal-use-plan lithology groundwater-protection protection-zone Gewässerschutzbereich Ao canton-du-valais-cc-geo Regions and cities, Environment Gewässerschutzbereiche Ao werden zum Schutz der Wasserqualität oberirdischer Gewässer ausgeschieden, wenn diese zur Trinkwasserversorgung genutzt werden oder wenn diese indirekt... Last updated: January 5, 2023 hydrogeology resources subsoil geology land-management-and-planning groundwater water-resources-management water-protection-sector lithology