Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Keywords Keywords natural-risk-zones 13 fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastr... 10 natural-risk 6 earthquake 5 conservation-and-archiving-plannin... 4 hazard-map 4 natural-risk-analysis 4 hazard 3 mapping 3 natural-hazard 3 permafrost-ecosystem 1 outline-map 1 microzonation 1 map-chart 1 landsat 1 hazard-area 1 geology 1 flood 1 disasters-accidents-risk 1 catalogue 1 avalanche 1 Show More Keywords Show Fewer Keywords Organizations Organizations Federal Office for the Environment FOEN 10 canton-du-valais-cc-geo 3 Political levels Political levels Confederation 13 Terms of use Terms of use 9 3 1 Formats Formats SERVICE 11 WMS 10 WMTS 9 HTML 7 API 4 N/A 3 ZIP 2 13 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Map of the recent earthquakes (last 90 days) in and around Switzerland Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The map of the earthquakes of the last 90 days shows the current seismic activity in Switzerland and the nearby regions recorded by the Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH... Last updated: November 1, 2016 SERVICE WMS API earthquake landsat natural-risk-zones fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure “Aquaprotect” areas of flooding: 50-year recurrence period Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The areas of flooding included in “Aquaprotect” take the form of a rough overview (prepared with the aid of basic methods) of areas of Switzerland that are susceptible to damage... Last updated: December 18, 2008 SERVICE WMS WMTS HTML natural-risk-analysis natural-risk natural-risk-zones fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Aquaprotect” areas of flooding: 100-year recurrence period Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The areas of flooding included in “Aquaprotect” take the form of a rough overview (prepared with the aid of basic methods) of areas of Switzerland that are susceptible to damage... Last updated: December 18, 2008 SERVICE WMS WMTS HTML natural-hazard natural-risk natural-risk-analysis natural-risk-zones fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Map of seismic subsoil categories according to the standard SIA 261 Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The site class is a required indication to determine the seismic action for a structure according to the building code SIA 261. The maps of site classes are indicative maps and are... Last updated: October 9, 2024 SERVICE WMTS WMS HTML API microzonation conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation earthquake natural-risk-zones fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Seismic zones according to the SIA 261 standard Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Map of seismic zones from the SIA 261 Standard “Actions on Structures” (2020). A design value is specified for the horizontal ground acceleration agd (in m/s2). This design value... Last updated: March 30, 2011 SERVICE WMS WMTS HTML hazard-area natural-risk earthquake natural-risk-zones fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation hazard-map Perimeters of existing spectral micro-zoning studies Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Perimeters for which a spectral seismic micro-zonation study is available with links to further information. The amplification of seismic waves through the local geology is modeled... Last updated: June 9, 2023 SERVICE WMTS WMS HTML API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation earthquake natural-risk-zones fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Map of past earthquakes in Switzerland and neighbouring regions Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment ECOS09 is the earthquake catalogue of Switzerland and bordering regions. It integrates the following sources: - Macroseismic Earthquake Catalogue of Switzerland (MECOS 02) with... Last updated: April 28, 2011 SERVICE WMTS WMS ZIP API earthquake catalogue natural-risk-zones fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure “Aquaprotect” areas of flooding: 250-year recurrence period Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The areas of flooding included in “Aquaprotect” take the form of a rough overview (prepared with the aid of basic methods) of areas of Switzerland that are susceptible to damage... Last updated: December 18, 2008 SERVICE WMS WMTS HTML natural-risk-analysis natural-risk natural-hazard natural-risk-zones fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure “Aquaprotect” areas of flooding: 500-year recurrence period Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The areas of flooding included in “Aquaprotect” take the form of a rough overview (prepared with the aid of basic methods) of areas of Switzerland that are susceptible to damage... Last updated: December 18, 2008 SERVICE WMS WMTS HTML natural-risk natural-hazard natural-risk-analysis natural-risk-zones fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Map of potential permafrost distribution Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The map shows the potential permafrost distribution in Switzerland based on modelling. In Switzerland, above 2400 metres the ground can be permanently frozen, depending on its... Last updated: December 31, 2005 SERVICE WMS WMTS ZIP map-chart natural-risk permafrost-ecosystem natural-risk-zones fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation Synoptische Lawinengefahrenkarte canton-du-valais-cc-geo Regions and cities, Environment Geographisches Inventar der durch Hauptprozess Lawinen gefährdeten Gebiete. Inklusive indikative Gefahr. Last updated: October 20, 2022 natural-risk-zones mapping hazard avalanche outline-map hazard-map Synoptische hydrologische Gefahrenkarte (nur Seitengewässer) canton-du-valais-cc-geo Regions and cities, Environment Geografische Inventar der Gebiete, die hydrologischen Gefahren ausgesetzt sind. Nach Hauptprozess, nur für Seitengewässer und inklusive indikative Gefahr. Last updated: January 16, 2023 natural-risk-zones flood hazard mapping hazard-map Geologische Gefahrenkarte nach Teilprozess canton-du-valais-cc-geo Regions and cities, Environment Geografische Inventar der Gebiete, die natürlichen geologischen Gefahren ausgesetzt sind, nach Teilprozess (Stein- / Blockschlag, Fels- / Bergsturz, Rutschung, Hangmure, Eissturz,... Last updated: January 16, 2023 SERVICE disasters-accidents-risk natural-risk-zones geology mapping hazard hazard-map