Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Keywords Keywords watercourse 14 fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastr... 11 environment 10 fishery 2 animal-husbandry 1 fish-farming 1 hydrology 1 lake 1 land-management-and-planning 1 local-planning 1 hydrology 1 fish-farming 1 animal-husbandry 1 Show More Keywords Show Fewer Keywords Organizations Organizations Federal Office for the Environment FOEN 11 Geoinformation Kanton Freiburg 3 Political levels Political levels Confederation 14 Terms of use Terms of use 11 3 Formats Formats SERVICE 14 WMS 11 API 10 HTML 10 XLS 2 N/A 1 ZIP 1 14 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Espace réservé aux eaux Geoinformation Kanton Freiburg Regions and cities, Environment L'espace réservé aux eaux (ERE) est un corridor bordant les eaux superficielles dans lequel les constructions sont interdites. Il a pour but non seulement de sauvegarder les... Last updated: January 1, 2001 SERVICE river-management local-planning physical-planning watercourse land-management-and-planning Cours d'eau d'élevage Geoinformation Kanton Freiburg Regions and cities, Environment, Economy and finance cours d'eau d'élevage de l'Etat et de la Fédération fribourgeoise des sociétés de pêche (FFSP). Last updated: March 15, 2005 XLS SERVICE watercourse fishery animal-husbandry Cours d'eau affermés Geoinformation Kanton Freiburg Regions and cities, Environment, Economy and finance cours d'eau affermés à la pêche (particuliers) et cours d'eau affermés à l'élevage (pisciculteurs privés). Last updated: November 21, 2003 XLS SERVICE watercourse fish-farming fishery Assessment of the Chemical Water Status: Phosphate Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Within the National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NAWA), water quality is recorded jointly by the federal and cantonal authorities at around 100 monitoring stations.... Last updated: March 26, 2014 SERVICE WMS HTML API environment fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure watercourse Assessment of the Chemical Water Status: Ammonium Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Within the National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NAWA), water quality is recorded jointly by the federal and cantonal authorities at around 100 monitoring... Last updated: March 26, 2014 SERVICE WMS HTML API environment fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure watercourse Assessment of the Biological Water Status: Macrophytes Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Within the National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NAWA), water quality is recorded jointly by the federal and cantonal authorities at around 100 monitoring stations.... Last updated: March 26, 2014 SERVICE WMS HTML API environment fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure watercourse Comparison of discharge and water gauge data with hazard levels Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment The map shows the current discharge at all the stations, as compared with flood hazard levels. Last updated: October 30, 2014 SERVICE WMS ZIP lake hydrology water-geographic watercourse fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Assessment of the Chemical Water Status: Nitrate Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Within the National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NAWA), water quality is recorded jointly by the federal and cantonal authorities at around 100 monitoring stations.... Last updated: March 26, 2014 SERVICE WMS HTML API environment fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure watercourse Assessment of the Biological Water Status: Diatoms Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Within the National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NAWA), water quality is recorded jointly by the federal and cantonal authorities at around 100 monitoring stations.... Last updated: March 26, 2014 SERVICE WMS HTML API environment fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure watercourse Assessment of the Biological Water Status: Fish Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Within the National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NAWA), water quality is recorded jointly by the federal and cantonal authorities at around 100 monitoring stations.... Last updated: March 26, 2014 SERVICE WMS HTML API environment fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure watercourse Assessment of the Chemical Water Status: Total Phosphorus Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Within the National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NAWA), water quality is recorded jointly by the federal and cantonal authorities at around 100 monitoring stations.... Last updated: March 26, 2014 SERVICE WMS HTML API environment fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure watercourse Assessment of the Chemical Water Status: Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Within the National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NAWA), water quality is recorded jointly by the federal and cantonal authorities at around 100 monitoring stations.... Last updated: March 26, 2014 SERVICE WMS HTML API environment fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure watercourse Assessment of the Chemical Water Status: Nitrite Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment Within the National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NAWA), water quality is recorded jointly by the federal and cantonal authorities at around 100 monitoring stations.... Last updated: March 26, 2014 SERVICE WMS HTML API environment fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure watercourse Assessment of the Biological Water Status: Macrozoobenthos Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Regions and cities, Environment . Within the National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NAWA), water quality is recorded jointly by the federal and cantonal authorities at around 100 monitoring... Last updated: March 26, 2014 SERVICE WMS HTML API environment fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure watercourse