Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Keywords Keywords fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastr... 5 energy 3 conservation-and-archiving-plannin... 2 oereb 2 official-geodata 2 bike 1 building-line 1 general 1 geography 1 geology 1 social-aspects-population 1 resources 1 project-planning-zone 1 mobility 1 land-use 1 human-powered-mobility 1 geology 1 geography 1 general 1 building-line 1 bike 1 Show More Keywords Show Fewer Keywords Organizations Organizations asit 7 Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE 5 Political levels Political levels Confederation 12 Terms of use Terms of use 12 Formats Formats SHP 7 INTERLIS 4 WMS 4 API 3 SERVICE 3 GPKG 2 JSON 1 12 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Sectoral Plan Deep Geological Repositories Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Regions and cities, Environment Most of the radioactive waste in Switzerland comes from the country's five nuclear power plants, though a certain amount is also produced in the healthcare sector, in industry and... Last updated: November 22, 2018 GPKG INTERLIS SERVICE WMS API official-geodata conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation land-use utility-and-governmental-services geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Baulinien Starkstromanlagen V2.0 OeREB Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Regions and cities, Environment A building line secures the space required for the operation, renovation or expansion of a heavy current installation. No construction that interferes with the operation,... Last updated: October 14, 2021 INTERLIS WMS oereb building-line fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure energy Projektierungszonen Starkstromanlagen V2.0 OeREB Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Regions and cities, Environment A reserved zone serves to keep an area free for future lines. In a reserved zone, no projects that could interfere with the construction of a new line may be undertaken for a... Last updated: October 14, 2021 INTERLIS WMS project-planning-zone oereb fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure energy Electricity Transmission Lines sectoral plan Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Regions and cities, Environment Sectoral planning is the federal government’s overlying planning and coordination tool for implementing its spatial planning duties. Projects concerning the construction and... Last updated: August 31, 2022 GPKG INTERLIS SERVICE WMS API official-geodata conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure MAP - Réseau routier du 30km/h de nuit asit Regions and cities, Transport Données du réseau routier du 30km/h de nuit de la Ville de Lausanne. Contient les axes des voies de communication, hors zone modérées déjà existantes, impactés par les restrictions... Last updated: January 4, 2023 SHP Locations and availability of shared mobility services in real time Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Regions and cities, Transport Shared mobility is the shared use of means of transport such as cars, taxis, bikes, scooters, etc. These are then no longer considered private property, but shared property that... Last updated: December 5, 2022 JSON API SERVICE bike traffic-network mobility human-powered-mobility fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure energy tourism transport resources social-aspects-population geography general trade-services MAP - Stationnement asit Regions and cities, Transport Données du stationnement public de la Ville de Lausanne. Contient les places de parcs et les zones macarons. Last updated: June 22, 2016 SHP MAP - Mobilier urbain asit Regions and cities, Transport Données du mobilier urbain de la Ville de Lausanne. Contient les bancs publics. Last updated: December 8, 2020 SHP MAP - Aménagement cyclable asit Regions and cities, Transport Données des aménagements cyclables de la Ville de Lausanne. Contient les aménagements, les emplacements en libre-service, les pompes et les parkings pour vélos. Last updated: June 20, 2016 SHP MAP - Horodateurs asit Regions and cities, Transport Données des horodateurs de la Ville de Lausanne. Last updated: December 8, 2020 SHP MAP - Marquage routier asit Regions and cities, Transport Données du marquage routier de la Ville de Lausanne. Contient le balisage au sol. Last updated: July 1, 2019 SHP MAP - Zone modérée asit Regions and cities, Transport Données des zones modérées de la Ville de Lausanne. Contient les zones 30, piétonnes, et de rencontres. Last updated: June 27, 2016 SHP