- Last updated
- December 31, 2019
- Organization
- Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
- Categories
- Regions and cities, Environment
The data show the locations of the stations in the basic monitoring network of the Hydrology Division of the FOEN. It includes all stations currently listed on the FOEN’s home page. The basic monitoring network now comprises a total of 260 surface water gauging stations. In addition to lake water levels, river discharge is measured at 200 sites. 90% of all stations have automatic remote retrieval facilities.
This dataset can be visualized on visualize.admin.ch.
Additional information
- Identifier
- bd377507-c61d-4fe2-bf81-9605b405d8ad@bundesamt-fur-umwelt-bafu
- Issued date
- December 31, 2019
- Modified date
- December 31, 2019
- Conforms to
- -
- Publisher
- Federal Office for the Environment / Hydrology Division
- Contact points
- hydrologie@bafu.admin.ch
- Languages
- English
- German
- French
- Italian
- Further information
- Landing page
- https://www.bafu.admin.ch/bafu/de/home/themen/wasser/zustand/wasser--messnetze/basismessnetz--wasserstand-und-abfluss-an-oberflaechengewaessern.html
- Documentation
- -
- Temporal coverage
- -
- Spatial coverage
- Schweiz
- Update interval
- Irregular
- Metadata Access
- API (JSON) Download XML