- Last updated
- April 28, 2011
- Organization
- Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
- Categories
- Regions and cities, Environment
ECOS09 is the earthquake catalogue of Switzerland and bordering regions. It integrates the following sources: - Macroseismic Earthquake Catalogue of Switzerland (MECOS 02) with events since 250 a.d. – the yearly reports of the Swiss Earthquake Commission since 1879 – earthquake locations of the instrumental networks of the Swiss Earthquake Service (SED) since 1975 – Supplemented by 12 earthquake catalogues from neighbouring countries and international agencies. This data show a selection of earthquakes in Switzerland with a minimum intensity of VI (buildings lightly damaged) from the ECOS09 catalogue.
This dataset can be visualized on visualize.admin.ch.
Additional information
- Identifier
- 3d1d7649-8c27-435c-ae74-7c0f2e3fbcf1@bundesamt-fur-umwelt-bafu
- Issued date
- April 28, 2011
- Modified date
- -
- Conforms to
- -
- Publisher
- Swiss Seismological Service
- Contact points
- sedweb@sed.ethz.ch
- Languages
- English
- German
- French
- Italian
- Further information
- Landing page
- http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/de/home/
- Documentation
- -
- Temporal coverage
- -
- Spatial coverage
- Schweiz
- Update interval
- Irregular
- Metadata Access
- API (JSON) Download XML