- Last updated
- July 3, 2024
- Organization
- Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt - BAZL
- Categories
- Regions and cities, Transport
Sanctuaries for silence and nature are areas of defined dimensions where antrophogenic (man-made) noise sources have been suppressed to a minimum level. The aim of such sanctuaries is a preservation of the diversity of natural sounds and silence for human recreation. Sanctuaries for silence and nature are depicted as "Zones to be avoided" on aeronautical charts and shall be avoided or overflown by motorised aircraft considerably above the minimum flight altitudes according to the Ordinance on the Rules of the Air/ORA, (art. 44) and by the shortest possible flight path.
This dataset can be visualized on visualize.admin.ch.
Additional information
- Identifier
- 8af95971-c458-4f4e-bfe4-2d541a1274e8@bundesamt-fur-zivilluftfahrt-bazl
- Issued date
- July 3, 2024
- Modified date
- -
- Conforms to
- -
- Publisher
- Federal Office of Civil Aviation
- Contact points
- urs.ziegler@bazl.admin.ch
- Languages
- English
- German
- French
- Italian
- Further information
- Landing page
- https://www.bazl.admin.ch/bazl/de/home/themen/umwelt/laerm.html
- Documentation
- -
- Temporal coverage
- -
- Spatial coverage
- Schweiz
- Update interval
- Irregular
- Metadata Access
- API (JSON) Download XML