- Last updated
- April 1, 2022
- Organization
- Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
- Categories
- Regions and cities, Environment
The map shows the mean relative air humidity at 13:30 in July for the period 1981-2010. For the area-wide calculation the climate stations of MeteoSwiss served as support points. The relative air humidity was interpolated areally at different elevation levels and vertically using gradients. The resulting map has a spatial resolution of 25 m x 25 m. It was used for modelling altitudinal belts of forest vegetation.
This dataset can be visualized on visualize.admin.ch.
Additional information
- Identifier
- 04b0f300-89ed-49f4-8556-e1751feeb6f0@bundesamt-fur-umwelt-bafu
- Issued date
- April 1, 2022
- Modified date
- -
- Conforms to
- -
- Publisher
- Forest Division, Federal Office of the Environment
- Contact points
- wald@bafu.admin.ch
- Languages
- English
- German
- French
- Italian
- Further information
- Landing page
- https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch/handle/20.500.11850/124748
- Documentation
- -
- Temporal coverage
- -
- Spatial coverage
- Schweiz
- Update interval
- -
- Metadata Access
- API (JSON) Download XML