Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Categories Categories Environment 7 Regions and cities 7 Keywords Keywords geology 58 fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastr... 43 conservation-and-archiving-plannin... 29 geotechnics 24 official-geodata 23 e-geoch 14 mineral-resources 13 lithology 12 sedimentation-geology 12 earth-science 11 stone 10 geologic-map 10 geophysics 9 geophysical-map 9 petrography 8 production-and-industrial-faciliti... 7 building-materials-industry 7 quarry 6 geomorphology 6 mineral-industry 5 mineral-extraction 5 magnetism 5 hydrogeology 5 groundwater 5 gravimetry 5 glaciation 5 brick 5 water-resources-management 4 tectonics 4 subsoil 4 resources 4 land-management-and-planning 4 geological-process 4 built-structure 4 bouguer-anomaly 4 well-consolidated-rock 3 water-protection-sector 2 special-zone 2 sedimentation-basin 2 register 2 protected-sites 2 protected-natural-zone 2 ore 2 limestone 2 gypsum 2 groundwater-resources 2 glaciology 2 geotope 2 exploitation-of-underground-water 2 cement-industry 2 Show More Keywords Show Fewer Keywords Organizations Organizations Federal Office of Topography swisstopo 51 canton-du-valais-cc-geo 6 Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE 1 Political levels Political levels Other 51 Confederation 7 Terms of use Terms of use 44 12 Formats Formats SERVICE 45 N/A 41 API 40 WMS 25 HTML 7 WMTS 6 ZIP 6 GPKG 1 INTERLIS 1 58 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Gravimetric Atlas of Switzerland 1:100000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The Bouguer anomalies for Switzerland are shown on 22 sheets. A Bouguer anomaly is the difference between the gravity measured at a particular point on the Earth's surface and the... Last updated: December 31, 2002 ZIP WMS conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation official-geodata geophysical-map gravimetry bouguer-anomaly geophysics geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure test-rae Hydrogeological Map of Switzerland: Groundwater Resources 1:500000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) is the body within the Swiss Geological Survey responsible for hydrogeology. The 1:500,000 Hydrogeological Map forms part of the... Last updated: September 14, 2007 SERVICE WMS API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation official-geodata e-geoch groundwater earth-science aquifer hydrogeology geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Geotechnical Map of Switzerland 1:200000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The 1:200'000 geotechnical map (GK200) shows the subsurface strata classified according to lithological-petrographic criteria. The legend is designed to represent the technical use... Last updated: January 1, 1967 SERVICE WMS API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation official-geodata petrography lithology excavation-site geotechnics quarry geology mineral-resources fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Geological Map of Switzerland 1:500000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The 1:500,000 Geological Map of Switzerland covers the whole of Switzerland and adjoining parts of neighbouring countries. It gives an overview of the distribution of the uppermost... Last updated: December 31, 2005 SERVICE WMS API official-geodata well-consolidated-rock geologic-map e-geoch conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation geology earth-science sedimentation-geology stone fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Geological Vector Datasets GeoCover Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The GeoCover Datasets V2 (standardized according to the Data Model Geology of Switzerland) is based on the map sheets of the Geological Atlas of Switzerland 1:25 000 and on... Last updated: September 1, 2017 SERVICE HTML WMS API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation geologic-map official-geodata earth-science tectonics sedimentation-geology geomorphology stone geological-process geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure General Geological Map of Switzerland 1:200,000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Geological mapping of the whole country based on the Dufour Map of Switzerland. Comprised of eight sheets, published between 1942 and 1964, the General Geological Map of... Last updated: December 31, 1964 SERVICE ZIP historic-map geologic-map official-geodata conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation geology earth-science sedimentation-geology stone fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Division of Geological Vector Datasets GeoCover Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The GeoCover datasets are available according to the sheet division of the National Maps 1:25 000. The «Division GeoCover» shows the perimeter, number and name of each map sheet. Last updated: September 1, 2017 SERVICE ZIP WMS API earth-science stone sedimentation-geology geological-process geomorphology tectonics geology geologic-map fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Bedrock elevation model Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The bedrock elevation model is a complete model of the bedrock surface (or Quaternary base) in the Molasse Basin, the larger Alpine valleys (Rhine, Rhône, Aare, Reuss, Linth and... Last updated: April 29, 2015 SERVICE ZIP API official-geodata glaciation bouguer-anomaly conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation geomorphology sedimentation-basin sedimentation-geology geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Gypsum: mining and processing Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Gypsum is used primarily in the construction and cement industries but also in the handicraft and the ceramics industries. This dataset shows the active and decommissioned gypsum... Last updated: October 1, 2017 SERVICE API mineral-industry mineral-extraction geotechnics geology mineral-resources fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Cement raw materials: mining and processing Federal Office of Topography swisstopo This dataset shows the active and decommissioned cement and lime mining and production sites in Switzerland. It forms part of the Resources Information System of the Georesources... Last updated: October 1, 2017 SERVICE API lithology conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation petrography geotechnics built-structure geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Total Intensity Map of Switzerland 1:500000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Geomagnetic maps are the result of measurements of total intensity, declination and inclination. The geomagnetic field is defined by a vector, which isrepresented in terms of its... Last updated: December 31, 1979 SERVICE WMS API official-geodata conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation geophysical-map e-geoch geophysics magnetism geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Salt: mining and processing Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The Swiss Saltworks cover the entire demand of Switzerland for de-icing, industrial and table salts. This dataset shows the active and decommissioned mining and production sites.... Last updated: October 1, 2017 SERVICE API mineral-extraction mineral-industry geotechnics geology mineral-resources fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Broken rock: mining Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Broken hard rock refers to gravel, grit and rubble that is extracted from hard rock in quarries and then mechanically broken down into small pieces. It is used primarily in... Last updated: October 1, 2017 SERVICE API lithology conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation petrography built-structure geotechnics geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Geological Atlas of Switzerland 1:25000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The sheets of the Geological Atlas of Switzerland (GA25) give detailed information about the uppermost layers of the subsurface structure. Geological formations are represented by... Last updated: January 1, 1930 SERVICE WMS HTML WMTS API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation e-geoch geologic-map official-geodata geology earth-science sedimentation-geology geological-process tectonics geomorphology stone fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Map of Mineral Raw Materials in Switzerland 1:200000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The 1:200'000 map of mineral resources (RK200) classifies the subsurface strata according to geochemical criteria. The map is overlaid with point data showing the occurrence of... Last updated: January 1, 1998 SERVICE WMS API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation official-geodata ore mineral raw-material mineral-resources geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Switzerland During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 1:500000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The map (GK500-LGM) shows the maximum extent of glaciation in Switzerland at the height of the last Ice Age around 24,000 years ago. It presents the latest results of current... Last updated: December 31, 2009 SERVICE WMS WMTS glaciology e-geoch glaciation geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Aeromagnetic Map of the Swiss Plateau and the Jura Mountains Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The overall magnetisation of a rock consists of induced magnetisation caused by the Earth's magnetic field and of remanent magnetisation acquired by the rock during its formation.... Last updated: January 1, 1983 SERVICE WMS API geophysical-map official-geodata conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation magnetism geophysics geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Declination Map of Switzerland 1:500000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Geomagnetic maps are the result of measurements of total intensity, declination and inclination. The declination describes the angle formed between magnetic and geographic north.... Last updated: December 31, 1979 SERVICE ZIP WMS WMTS API geophysical-map e-geoch-geoportal conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation official-geodata geophysics magnetism geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Aeromagnetic Map of Switzerland 1:500000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The overall magnetisation of a rock consists of induced magnetisation caused by the Earth's magnetic field and of remanent magnetisation acquired by the rock during its formation.... Last updated: December 31, 1982 SERVICE WMS API geophysical-map official-geodata e-geoch conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation magnetism geophysics geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Geothermal Map of Switzerland 1:500000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The geothermal map shows the thermal energy that is produced in the subsurface and traverses the Earth's surface within an area of 1 m2. The heat itself is released in the Earth's... Last updated: December 31, 1982 SERVICE WMS WMTS API official-geodata conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation e-geoch geophysical-map egip-european-geothermal-information-platform geothermal-energy geophysics energy-resources geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure 1 2 3 » Next