Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Categories Categories Regions and cities 52 Environment 44 Transport 11 Energy 3 Economy and finance 2 Population and society 1 Keywords Keywords fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastr... 50 geology 44 conservation-and-archiving-plannin... 26 official-geodata 24 geotechnics 22 e-geoch 13 mineral-resources 13 lithology 12 habitats-and-biotopes 11 road-maintenance 10 transport-networks 9 locating 9 geophysics 9 geophysical-map 9 cadastral-surveying 9 resources 8 petrography 8 wild-animal 7 coordinate-reference-systems 7 route 6 quarry 6 production-and-industrial-faciliti... 6 natural-dynamics 6 hydrogeology 6 hunting 6 mineral-industry 5 mineral-extraction 5 magnetism 5 leisure-activity 5 groundwater 5 building-materials-industry 5 water-resources-management 4 transformation 4 subsoil 4 species-distribution 4 register 4 national-coordinates 4 land-management-and-planning 4 fineltra 4 coordinate 4 cadastral-parcels 4 built-structure 4 agritourism 4 administrative-units 4 geographical-names 3 geodesy 3 earth-science 3 brick 3 area-managementrestrictionregulati... 3 administrative-boundary 3 Show More Keywords Show Fewer Keywords Organizations Organizations canton-du-valais-cc-geo 58 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo 54 Political levels Political levels Confederation 58 Other 54 Terms of use Terms of use 112 Formats Formats SERVICE 92 N/A 52 API 43 WMS 31 ZIP 14 WMTS 5 HTML 3 PDF 1 112 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending Quarries 1915 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The data on quarries is part of the Resources Information System of the Georesources Switzerland Group, a database of mineral deposits in Switzerland. This database contains... Last updated: December 31, 1997 SERVICE API quarry geotechnics geology mineral-resources fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Metallic mineral resources: deposits Federal Office of Topography swisstopo This dataset shows the deposits and former mining sites of metallic minerals (ores) in Switzerland. Metals are no longer commercially mined in Switzerland. The dataset is part of... Last updated: October 1, 2017 SERVICE API geotechnics ore mineral-extraction mineralisation mineral-industry geology mineral-resources fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Industrial minerals: deposits Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Industrial minerals refer to minerals or rocks that are important for technical processes and industrial applications. Gypsum and salt are two well-known industrial minerals, which... Last updated: October 1, 2017 SERVICE API geotechnics mineral-extraction mineral-industry mineral-resources geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Fossil hydrocarbons: deposits Federal Office of Topography swisstopo This dataset shows the deposits and former mining sites of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas etc.) in Switzerland. Currently, no fossil fuels are being mined commercially in... Last updated: October 1, 2017 SERVICE API mineral-industry coal-mining energy-resource geotechnics bitumen natural-gas mineral-extraction geology mineral-resources fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Switzerland During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 1:500000 (vector map) Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The map (GK500-LGM) shows the maximum extent of glaciation in Switzerland at the height of the last Ice Age around 24,000 years ago. It presents the latest results of current... Last updated: December 31, 2009 SERVICE WMTS WMS API official-geodata e-geoch conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation geology glaciology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Lithological-petrographic map of Switzerland – Classification of rocks 1:500000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The 1:500,000 geotechnical map (GK500) of the Georesources Switzerland Group shows the subsurface strata classified according to lithological-petrographic criteria. The legend is... Last updated: January 1, 2000 SERVICE WMS API lithology petrography geotechnics geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Lithological-petrographic map of Switzerland – Genesis 1:500000 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The 1:500'000 geotechnical map (GK500) of the Georesources Switzerland Group shows the subsurface strata classified according to lithological-petrographic criteria. The legend is... Last updated: January 1, 2000 SERVICE WMS API lithology petrography geotechnics geology mineral-resources fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Cadastral Surveying (OpenData) Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Die amtliche Vermessung (AV) beschreibt die Lage, die Form und den Inhalt eines Grundstückes. Die digitalen AV-Daten sind in mehreren thematischen Informationsebenen gegliedert,... Last updated: July 10, 2019 SERVICE ZIP API land-cover cadastral-parcels buildings immoveable-property cadastral-surveying single-object land-and-property-register fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Natural stone: mining Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Natural stone is extracted from hard rock in quarries in the form of hewn or sawn blocks for direct use in construction. This dataset shows the active and decommissioned natural... Last updated: October 1, 2017 SERVICE API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation petrography lithology built-structure geotechnics geology fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Transition of reference frames LV03 - LV95: Coordinate changes LV03->LV95 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The coordinate changes between the old frame of reference LV03 and the new one LV95, respectively the deformations from MN03, are represented in relation to Zimmerwald (BE): the... Last updated: December 31, 2006 SERVICE ZIP WMS coordinate-reference-systems national-coordinates coordinate fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Official index of cities and towns including postal codes and perimeter Federal Office of Topography swisstopo In Article 24 of the regulations governing geographic names (GeoNV), the Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo) is commissioned to establish, administer and publish the new... Last updated: March 1, 2022 SERVICE ZIP WMS HTML API place official-geodata post-code e-geoch cadastral-surveying conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation addresses administrative-units fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Administrative units Switzerland - INSPIRE Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Administrative units is based on the data set swissBOUNDARIES3D by swisstopo. It contains all administrative units and national boundaries of Switzerland and the Principality of... Last updated: January 1, 2018 WMS ZIP official-geodata inspire national administrative-units fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure administrative-boundary Status of the cantonal geotope inventories Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The Geotopes Project Group (Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT) centralises all geodata relating to cantonal geotope inventories in a GIS database. The aim is to obtain a nationwide... Last updated: February 2, 2021 geotope protected-natural-zone conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation canton register protected-sites geology Administrative boundary Switzerland - INSPIRE Federal Office of Topography swisstopo Administrative boundary is a sub layer of Administrative units and is based on the data set swissBOUNDARIES3D by swisstopo. It contains all administrative units and national... Last updated: January 1, 2018 WMS official-geodata inspire administrative-units national administrative-boundary Viertausender canton-du-valais-cc-geo Economy and finance Auf Anfrage von Wallis Tourismus wurde dieser Datensatz auf der Grundlage von Namen und Höhenangaben von SwissNames3D, Stand 2013 erarbeitet. Die Kriterien von der "International... Last updated: August 9, 2013 SERVICE tourism mountain altitude topography Fischereikarte : Bäche canton-du-valais-cc-geo Economy and finance Die für die Fischerei gemäss gültigen Beschluss geöffneten Bergbäche und Kanäle Last updated: February 28, 2023 SERVICE fishery habitats-and-biotopes fish-farming wild-animal fish AV - Einzelobjekte canton-du-valais-cc-geo Regions and cities Informationsebene der amtlichen Vermessung, in der alle Objekte zusammengefasst sind, denen überwiegend eine Orientierungsfunktion zukommt, wie etwa Mauern, Tunnel, Antennen,... Last updated: January 31, 2023 wall railway tunnel stairs cadastral-surveying Hauptvelowege canton-du-valais-cc-geo Regions and cities, Transport Zwischen Le Bouveret und Gletsch ist vom Kanton für die Radfahrer ein Hauptradweg erstellt worden. Es ist Teil des touristisches Radnetz Route du Rhône. Last updated: December 7, 2018 SERVICE tourism transport route bike Aufteilung der Achsen der Kantonsstrassen gemäss Tonnageeinschränkungen canton-du-valais-cc-geo Regions and cities, Transport Aufteilung der Achsen der Kantonsstrassen gemäss Einschränkung der Tonnage lokalisiert auf den Strassen durch Polizeisignale (Signal SSV 2.16, Zusatztafel 2b). Diese Signalisation... Last updated: November 10, 2021 SERVICE transport-networks road-maintenance locating Kreise für Bau und Strassenunterhalt canton-du-valais-cc-geo Regions and cities, Transport Aufteilung des Gebietes in 3 Kreise für Bau und Strassenunterhalt : Kreis 1, Oberwallis; Kreis 2, Mittelwallis; Kreis 3, Unterwallis. Last updated: December 21, 2018 SERVICE area-managementrestrictionregulation-zones-and-reporting-units road-maintenance « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 » Next