Reset search Search Filter Linked Data Linked Data There are no Linked Data that match this search Categories Categories There are no Categories that match this search Keywords Keywords fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastr... 6 orthoimagery 6 aerial-photograph 5 conservation-and-archiving-plannin... 3 border 1 buildings 1 cartography 1 elevation 1 historic-map 1 hydrography 1 relief-land 1 raster-data 1 orthophoto 1 national-map 1 multispectral-scanner 1 mosaic 1 map-chart 1 land-cover 1 hydrography 1 historic-map 1 elevation 1 cartography 1 buildings 1 border 1 Show More Keywords Show Fewer Keywords Organizations Organizations Federal Office of Topography swisstopo 6 Political levels Political levels Other 6 Terms of use Terms of use 6 Formats Formats SERVICE 6 WMS 6 HTML 5 API 4 ZIP 4 N/A 2 6 datasets found Order by Relevance Data last modified Metadata last modified Name Ascending Name Descending National Map 1:10'000 (color) Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The 1:10,000 national map is swisstopo’s largest scale topographic map. It stands out for its detailed representation of traffic, settlements, terrain and vegetation as well as its... Last updated: June 1, 2016 SERVICE HTML WMS relief-land border cartography water-geographic vegetation national-map traffic-network terrain-representation orthoimagery hydrography transport-networks buildings land-cover elevation fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure topography map-chart SWISSIMAGE HIST 1946: The Orthophotomosaic of Switzerland from 1946 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The orthophoto mosaic SWISSIMAGE HIST 1946 is a composition of historical black and white aerial photographs from 1946 («US flight mission») over the whole of Switzerland with a... Last updated: March 1, 2019 SERVICE WMS raster-data historic-map orthophoto aerial-photograph aerial-photograph mosaic orthoimagery fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Aerial Images swisstopo b / w Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The aerial imagery catalogue of swisstopo comprises around 360’000 analogue aerial photographs (black and white, colour or infrared colour). About 280’00 aerial images are... Last updated: January 1, 1927 SERVICE ZIP WMS HTML API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation aerial-photograph aerial-photograph orthoimagery fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Aerial Images swisstopo color Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The aerial imagery catalogue of swisstopo comprises around 360’000 analogue aerial photographs (black and white, colour or infrared colour). About 280’00 aerial images are... Last updated: January 1, 1961 SERVICE WMS ZIP HTML API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation aerial-photograph aerial-photograph orthoimagery fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Aerial Images swisstopo infrared Federal Office of Topography swisstopo The aerial imagery catalogue of swisstopo comprises around 360'000 analogue aerial photographs (black and white, colour or infrared colour). About 280'00 aerial images are... Last updated: January 1, 1927 SERVICE ZIP WMS HTML API aerial-photograph aerial-photograph orthoimagery fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure Image strips swisstopo Federal Office of Topography swisstopo In context of the update cycle of the national maps and the production of the orthoimage mosaic SWISSIMAGE, swisstopo records the whole area of Switzerland with aerial image strips... Last updated: January 1, 2005 SERVICE ZIP WMS HTML API conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation multispectral-scanner aerial-photograph aerial-photograph orthoimagery fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure